
SQL Injection - The Evergreen Adversary

 In today’s interconnected world, data security is paramount. Organizations and individuals alike rely on databases to store sensitive information, making them prime targets for cyberattacks. Among the many threats that loom in the digital landscape, SQL injection stands out as a particularly insidious method of attack.


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SQL Injection – The Evergreen Adversary

 1998 was the year at which SQL injection vulnerability was publicly mentioned in an article written by Jeff Forristal under the pseudonym rain.forest.puppy. It’s an unfortunate reality that a quarter of a century later, SQL injection (the lowest hanging fruit) is still included in the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) Top 10 list of security vulnerabilities. MOVEIT breach is a perfect example of how CI0p ransomware group exploited previously unknown SQL injection vulnerabilities (low hanging fruit) in Progress Software’s file transfer program, and compromised hundreds of victims as part of a supply chain attack.


Breaches Enabled by SQL injection include:
  • GhostShell attack—hackers from APT group Team GhostShell targeted 53 universities using SQL injection, stole and published 36,000 personal records belonging to students, faculty, and staff.
  • Turkish government—another APT group, RedHack collective, used SQL injection to breach the Turkish government website and erase debt to government agencies.
  • 7-Eleven breach—a team of attackers used SQL injection to penetrate corporate systems at several companies, primarily the 7-Eleven retail chain, stealing 130 million credit card numbers.
  • HBGary breach—hackers related to the Anonymous activist group used SQL Injection to take down the IT security company’s website. The attack was a response to HBGary CEO publicising that he had names of Anonymous organization members.


Understanding SQL injection

    SQL injection, often abbreviated as SQLi, is a malicious technique used by hackers to exploit vulnerabilities in web applications that interact with databases. It occurs when an attacker inserts malicious SQL code into an input field or URL parameter, tricking the application into executing unintended SQL queries. The attacker can then access, modify, or delete sensitive data, depending on the vulnerability’s severity.


The mechanics behind it

    A web application accepts user input through forms, search boxes, or URL parameters. This input is often used to construct SQL queries. The attacker enters specially crafted input (malicious input), such as SQL statements or fragments, with the aim of manipulating the SQL query. The application fails to properly validate or sanitize user input, allowing the malicious input to be included in the SQL query. The manipulated SQL query is executed by the database server, enabling the attacker to retrieve or modify data or even gain unauthorized access to the system


How is SQL injection still a problem today?

  • Legacy Code: Older web applications and systems may have been built before best practices for input validation and security were well-established. These legacy systems often have vulnerabilities that are difficult and costly to patch
  • Lack of Awareness: Some developers and organizations may not fully understand the risks associated with SQL injection or may underestimate the importance of implementing security measures. This lack of awareness can lead to complacency in addressing vulnerabilities
  • Tight Deadlines and Pressure: In a fast-paced development environment, developers may prioritize speed over security. Tight project deadlines and pressure to deliver features quickly can result in shortcuts being taken, leading to vulnerabilities like SQL injection.
  • Insufficient Security Training: Not all developers receive comprehensive security training, which can lead to a lack of knowledge about best practices for secure coding. Without adequate training, developers may inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities into their code.
  • Complexity of SQL: SQL is a powerful and complex language. Developers who are not well-versed in SQL may struggle to write secure code, increasing the likelihood of unintentional vulnerabilities.
  • Code Reuse and Third-Party Libraries: When developers reuse code from third-party libraries or frameworks, they may assume that these components are secure. However, vulnerabilities can still exist in these libraries, and if they are not kept up-to-date, they can introduce security risks.
  • Lack of Regular Security Audits: Organizations may not conduct regular security audits or penetration testing on their web applications and databases. Without such audits, vulnerabilities like SQL injection may go unnoticed until they are exploited.

    Most developers know what to do but weigh speed over security. Training must include the value of secure coding practices and the exponential costs of ignoring those practices. However, this training will be effective only if developers feel supported in taking the time needed to code securely. If developers are being told to code securely but the organizational culture is implicitly or explicitly penalizing them for being “slow,” they will most assuredly drop back to insecure ways.

    Also security teams providing developers with vulnerability information with little context complicates matters. This information is often delivered as a report that must be remediated at a checkpoint late in the software development life cycle.

How can we protect our web applications?

    Protecting against SQL injection attacks are essential for safeguarding your web applications and databases. Here are some key strategies to prevent SQL injection attacks:

  • Input Validation: Always validate and sanitize user input before using it in SQL queries. Use parameterized queries or prepared statements provided by your programming language or framework to prevent SQL injection.
  • Least Privilege Principle: Limit database permissions for your application. Ensure that database users only have the necessary privileges to perform their specific tasks. Avoid using overly privileged accounts.
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF): Implement a next-gen WAF to filter and block malicious requests before they reach your web application.
  • Vulnerability Management: Periodically perform vulnerability assessment of your web applications and patch known vulnerabilities at priority. 


    In summary SQL injections exists due to a combination of technical, organizational, and human factors. Addressing this issue requires a holistic approach that includes secure coding practices, regular security audits, employee training, and a commitment to prioritizing security alongside functionality and development speed.

     SQL injection is a persistent and dangerous threat that can compromise the integrity and security of your data. Understanding how SQL injection works and implementing strong security measures is crucial for protecting your web applications and databases. By following best practices in coding and implementing web application firewalls, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to this pervasive attack. Remember, prevention is always better than remediation when it comes to cybersecurity.

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