
India’s Cyber Battlefield: An In-Depth Analysis of CERT-In’s Reported Cyber Threats

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India’s Cyber Battlefield: An In-Depth Analysis of CERT-In’s Reported Cyber Threats

Executive Summary

Digital transformation is accelerating, and with it, India’s cyber risk landscape. In 2023, CERT-In reported an unprecedented 1,592,917 cyber incidents. This analysis underscores the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures and strategic action at the highest levels of leadership. It’s time for executives to champion cybersecurity as a strategic business imperative and invest strategically in cybersecurity now.


India’s rapidly expanding digital landscape is increasingly under siege. With over 1.5 million cyber incidents recorded in 2023 alone, the urgency for comprehensive cybersecurity strategies has never been more pronounced. These incidents, averaging approximately 4,364 attacks per day or one attack every 20 seconds, highlight a vast and formidable threat environment, much of which remains uncharted due to underreporting and detection failures.

CERT-In Data: A Year-Over-Year Comparison The following table provides a clear year-over-year comparison of the cyber incidents reported by CERT-In:


Incident Type



% Increase

Total Incidents




Unauthorized Scanning




Vulnerable Services




Virus/Malicious Code




Website Defacements




Analysis: An Evolving Threat Landscape 2023 saw significant increases in unauthorized scanning and the deployment of malicious code, indicating that attackers are exploiting vulnerabilities with sophisticated malware at an alarming rate.

Let’s examine two specific threats highlighted by the CERT-In data…

The Hidden Threat of Unauthorized Scanning

Unauthorized scanning may appear harmless, but it’s a critical early stage for devastating cyberattacks. Attackers relentlessly probe websites, web applications, systems, and networks, searching for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, or open ports they can exploit. The CERT-In data reveals a disturbing 38% increase in unauthorized scanning from 2022 to 2023, highlighting the growing intensity of this threat. Information gathered through scans can be used to launch targeted attacks like data breaches, malware injections, or crippling ransomware infections. This underscores the urgent need for proactive cybersecurity to prevent these early probes from turning into devastating breaches.


Virus and Malware Attacks: The Next Stage

Hackers and attackers use unauthorized scanning to map out the weaknesses and potential entry points in web applications and networks. Any vulnerabilities they discover, like outdated software, misconfigurations, or unpatched systems, become targets for exploitation. The 13.8% increase in virus and malicious code incidents reported by CERT-In demonstrates how attackers are intensifying these follow-up attacks. Once they find a way in, they can inject viruses, ransomware, or other malicious code to steal data, disrupt operations, or extort victims. This alarming trend highlights the critical need to secure web applications, as they are often the first line of defense against cyberattacks.

Impact: Beyond Financial Loss

  • Operational Disruption: Ransomware attacks in Indian hospitals have delayed critical surgeries, putting lives at risk. Additionally, cyberattacks on power grids have caused widespread economic damage.
  • Reputational Harm: Several prominent Indian organizations have suffered from data breaches that exposed customer financial data, eroding trust and damaging reputations.
  • Legal and Regulatory Repercussions: Failing to comply with laws like India’s Information Technology Act (2000) can result in substantial fines.


Web Applications: Targeted and Vulnerable India’s heavy reliance on digital infrastructure makes web applications and networks prime targets for cyberattacks, which disrupt critical business operations and compromise sensitive data.

Consequences for Businesses The financial implications of cyber threats are immense and growing. According to the 2023 IBM Data Breach Report, the average cost of a data breach in India has reached an unprecedented INR 179 million—a 28% increase since 2020. The global annual cost of cybercrime is expected to rise to $10.5 trillion by 2025.

Protecting India’s Complex Digital Landscape With organizations increasingly relying on a mix of cloud environments and on-premises systems, the challenge of securing such diverse digital infrastructures has grown. The same IBM report noted that Indian businesses experiencing breaches across multiple environments faced costs upwards of INR 188 million, underscoring the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures.

Protecting Your Organization: Proactivity Is Key Traditional reactive security postures being insufficient. Proactive measures, including the deployment of Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), Next-Gen WAFs, and Advanced Threat Protection Systems, are essential to anticipate and mitigate potential threats effectively.

Educating and Empowering Users Educating and empowering users is a cornerstone of cybersecurity strategy.

  • Education and Awareness: Continuous, engaging training tailored to various organizational roles can dramatically reduce risks.
  • Building a Security Culture: Promoting cybersecurity awareness at all levels encourages proactive behaviors.
  • Practical Tools: Implementing user-friendly security tools like two-factor authentication and automatic updates can significantly bolster defenses.


The Way Forward

To enhance defenses, businesses should:

  • Strengthen Cyber Resilience: Regular security audits, vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and adherence to standards such as ISO 27001/27002, PCI DSS, and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework are essential.
  • Employee Training and Awareness: Equip employees to recognize and respond to cyber threats effectively.
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Information Sharing: Forge alliances with other businesses and engage in platforms that facilitate intelligence sharing on emerging threats.
  • Robust Incident Response Planning: Develop and regularly update plans that define clear roles and protocols for managing cybersecurity events.


Conclusion and Call to Action The landscape of cybersecurity in India commands a strategic, informed response from all sectors of leadership. We urge you to review your cybersecurity strategies, invest in advanced solutions, and lead the charge in cultivating a resilient digital ecosystem. To assess your organization’s web application, visit https://www.sitewall.net/website-assessment/ for a complimentary web assessment.

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